Lanuage Link HaNoi

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Lanuage Link HaNoi Vietnam/Hanoi

Acerca de esta escuela

The program is designed exclusively for working adults, expanding their communication opportunities, helping students with practical work related situations, raising their competitive advantage in job applications and boosting their chance of promotion. The program is built on the basisof helping students tobuild a solid foundation to take the TOEIC exam or switch to the TOEIC courses held at Language Link, the official TOEIC Testing Centre in Vietnam.


11111 Hanoi
24 Đại Cồ Việt, Lê Đại Hành, Hanoi 24

Año en que fue fundada la escuela: 2000

Numero máximo de alumnos en la escuela: 150

Pagina web de la escuela: Lanuage Link HaNoi

Language School Hanoi

Ubicación de la escuela

HaNoi, Vietnam

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