Wilkinson's English Language School

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Wilkinson's English Language School Nueva Zelanda/Christchurch

Acerca de esta escuela

WELS is well known as a high-quality school. Our experienced qualified teachers and small class sizes enable students to improve their skills and achieve their goals while enjoying their time in New Zealand. Our competitive prices mean that Wilkinson’s is the best value language school in Christchurch.

Every Friday afternoon we offer fun activities with a language teacher. It’s a great opportunity to meet other students and practise English conversation!


Nueva Zelanda
8024 Christchurch
Twigger St 22

Año en que fue fundada la escuela: 2010

Numero máximo de alumnos en la escuela: 60

Pagina web de la escuela: Wilkinson's English Language School

Ubicación de la escuela

Our central location in Addington means that we are close to many shops, cafes and other facilities. With Hagley Park only a few minutes walk away, there are also peaceful places to relax.

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