Nelson English Centre Nueva Zelanda/Nelson
- English
- General course
- Exam preparation
- Library
Acerca de esta escuela
Nelson English Centre is a leading New Zealand English school. Our skilled, internationally experienced teachers are experts in helping you learn English quickly. Nelson, in the South Island offers the perfect balance of a lively seaside town, and access to beautiful nature. At Nelson English Centre we know that high standards start with qualifications. We also understand that successful teachers must connect with their students. Two thirds of our permanent teachers have higher level ESOL specific diploma qualifications. All of our teachers love teaching and living in Nelson. At Nelson English Centre you will enjoy learning from a great team of people.
Nueva Zelanda
7010 Nelson
Selwyn Pl 41
Año en que fue fundada la escuela: 2010
Numero máximo de alumnos en la escuela: 40
Pagina web de la escuela: Nelson English Centre

Ubicación de la escuela
Nelson Region is a unique place of beaches, mountains, and interesting people. Nelson is at the top of the South Island of New Zealand surrounded by three national parks. In a day trip students can easily explore Golden Bay, Abel Tasman from Nelson City. In less than three hours, students can easily undertake a weekend trip to Marlborough Sounds, the West Coast or Kaikoura for whale watching. Nelson is an excellent base to explore the South Island. This means that after studying students can travel the South Island loop with new friends Nelson - Queenstown - Christchurch - Nelson.